Saturday, January 26, 2013

Shaun Berk's 10 Movie Recommendations- 316th Edition

Welcome to the 317th Edition of my long-running series. I just finished THE NUTCRACKER at the Minnetrista Cultural Center. Looks like my next play will be sometime in March as my mom has been asked to do another murder mystery for the Amvets like we did last February so I'll keep you up on that as I get more details. I want to thank Minnetrista for this opportunity and the cast and director involved to put the show together. It has been a lot of fun and I hope to get to do more for the Minnetrista Cultural Center in the future. Now I will get to this week's recommendations.

Flushed Away (2006): This is the first of quite a bit of animation that I have for this week. This one is brought to us by Dreamworks. Hugh Jackman provides the main voice of Roddy who is a pet rat in a high-class home. He is soon as the title says where ends up in the sewers with a community full of rats. There he meets Rita, voiced by Kate Winslet, who is very free-spirited and reluctantly teams up with her. They must contend though with a The Toad, voiced by Ian McKellan, who wants all rats and mice iced. Jean Reno, Bill Sighy, Andy Serkis, and many others provide voices. This was actually a pretty well-done film with good animation and voices. Jackman was a lot of fun as Roddy.

Maya Lin: A Strong Clear Vision (1994): This is my documentary for the week. Maya Lin is the artist that is responsible for such sculptures as the Vietnam Memorial Wall. This documentary takes a look at the controversy of the wall during its making. Lin was a college student who submitted this design for a contest and won. There was a lot of mixed feelings for this. Some did not like that she was an Asian-American that was creating the wall and there was a lot of other factors like veterans who did not like this. Through all this controversy it has become a very iconic sculpture. This was a very informative documentary. Maybe it could have gone a little more into Maya Lin's life but still a very interesting documentary.

The Incredibles (2004): This is the second of my animated selections and this one is a Disney film. This was a very clever animated film brought from Pixar. COACH alum Craig T. Nelson provides the voice for Mr. Incredible who was at one time one of the top superheroes but due to unfortunate events had to live a normal life and not be superheroes. He soon marries Elastigirl and have kids who have their own powers but had to keep them secret. Incredible and his friend Frozone work secretly to stop crime. Things begin to go wrong and the family is forced into action where the kids must also fight for good. Holly Hunter provides the voice for Elastigirl and Jason Lee also has a voice. There are a lot of very funny moments in the movie and the movie is just as the title says.

Let's Talk Turkey (1939): This is my short film for the week and this is more geared towards Thanksgiving. This is one of the many Pete Smith shorts. This shows a simple man who is trying to cut a turkey for his demanding in-laws in very humorous ways. This is probably what I would do if I tried to cut a turkey.

Christmas Classics: Vol. 1 (1952): This is really a group of Holiday shorts from the era which are mostly animated. This includes RUDOLPH THE RED-NOSED REINDEER, JACK FROST and many others. These are some fun little short films for the holiday and for me to get the holiday kicked off. This is available on Instant Netflix.

The Car (1977): I must say that I had never heard of this movie about a murderous car. Cars are usually pretty nice like Herbie and K.I.T.T. but this one is a different story. James Brolin is the sheriff in town that must deal with this car and keeping his town calm. This is referred to a lot as "Jaws on wheels" and there was a similar music score. This would have fit more in The Madness contest but I have to diversify this so I was glad to give this a shot. You must watch this for the fun element to enjoy it so get your friends together and enjoy yourselves. This is available on Instant Netflix.

My Favorite Spy (1951): This is my Bob Hope film for the week where he plays Burlesque comic Peanuts White who reluctantly accepts a job from the U.S. Government to impersonate an international spy named Eric Augustine. Hedy Lamarr co-stars as Lily who is an old friend of Augustine. Bob Hope was very amusing in his dual role and had quite a bit of suspense with some slapstick to go with it. This is some classic Bob Hope humor and is also available on Instant Netflix.

The Runaways (2010): This is part two of my two-part Kristen Stewart series whose movie SPEAK I included last week. This is my rock biopic for the week for the title band which was formed in the 70s. Stewart plays iconic female rocker Joan Jett who was determined to form her own all-girl rock band. Dakota Fanning plays the part of Cherie Currie who was the lead singer but the one who went downhill with drugs. This focuses a lot on the relationship between the two and Currie's actions which compromised the band. Scout Taylor-Compton plays Lita Ford who went on to have a pretty successful career after the band with her most known song being CLOSE MY EYES FOREVER with Ozzy Osbourne. I really felt Stewart played the part of Joan Jett very well and that Fanning worked pretty well as Currie. Many will see there is not much focus on Lita Ford but she did not lend much of the rights for her life story but did really like the casting of Taylor-Compton playing her.

Cleopatra Jones (1973): This is my tribute to actor Bill McKinney who plays Purdy who is a rather corrupt cop. This is my Blaxploitation film for the week which stars Tamara Dobson as the title character who is a U.S. Special Agent who is assigned to crack down on drug trafficking. Her main target is the drug lord Mommy which is played by Shelley Winters in that sleazy female role that she really knows how to play and uses her connections with the corrupt police hoping to bring down Cleopatra. This is another which you must watch for the fun and action.

The Sky Crawlers (2008): I end this week with some Anime. This takes place on an alternate earth which focuses on two young pilots called "Kildren" who are destined to live their lives in adolescence and never grow up. They believe they live in an innocent world but soon question their fate. In the air, they fear of meeting "The Teacher" who has shot down every pilot. This is a very hard movie to really explain but it is a very beautiful film and has some really good animation. This is available on Instant Netflix and on Crackle.

Well, that is it for this week. Tell me what you like and what you do not like and stay tuned next week.

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