Saturday, January 26, 2013

Shaun Berk's 10 Movie Recommendations- 361st Edition

Welcome to the 361st Edition of my long-running series. This is week 2 of The Madness and I have a lot less points but more is to come soon. In Fantasy Football I am now 3-2 and a game behind a couple teams. I have a good start so far so hopefully I can improve and one or both of those teams can suffer a loss. Now I will get to my selections for the week.

The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie (1989): I can't go the series without some Troma and the third in their popular series. For starters, the protagonist is Toxie who in the first movie was an absolute nerd getting picked on by everyone and then thrown into a bucket of chemicals turning him into the title character. In this movie, Toxie has seemingly fought off all the evil in Tromaville and has a hard time finding a job to support himself and his wife as his strength and his toxic abilities make it hard for him to do many things. Soon, Apocalypse Inc. offers him a job and the possibility of his blind wife seeing again so he takes it not realizing he is working for evil but soon sees he must fight evil again. These are movies which do not lend anything in the way of good acting, good dialogue, and many other things but they do provide entertainment if you can look past those other elements. These movies are available on Instant Netflix so may be a good series to watch among friends.

Notes on a Scandal (2006): This is Travis's Co-Op film series selection in this British thriller. Richard Eyre directed this film which stars Cate Blanchett as Sheba who is a new teacher in her school. Judi Dench stars as Barbara who is a veteran teacher and befriends Sheba but soon finds she wants more than a friendship. Sheba is a family person who is married and has children but soon starts an affair with a 15 year old student. Things get very complicated when Barbara finds this out. One thing I really like about this is the narration of Dench who lets us know throughout the film what is on her mind. This was a very well-acted movie and very suspenseful. One thing of interest is that Blanchett, Dench, and actress Anne-Marie Duff have all played Queen Elizabeth I at some point in their careers. This is a movie that has a lot of suspense and is rather disturbing at times but does it without a lot of violence so if you have a hard time with violence, this might be a good one to watch.

Scream 2 (1997): This is part three of my three-part Wes Craven series who directed this parody series to he slasher-horror genre. In this sequel, survivors from the first one reprise their roles. Neve Campbell reprises her role of Sydney Prescott who is trying to move on from her difficult year in college but things do not get easier when reporter Gale Weathers, played by Courteney Cox, writes a movie called STAB based on the events from the murders of "Ghostface". Shortly after this movie is out, copycat murders are now occurring. David Arquette, Liev Schreiber, and Jamie Kennedy all return in this sequel in addition to Sarah Michelle Gellar, Laurie Metcalf, Elise Neal, Jerry O'Connell, and many others. I believe this series is very misunderstood. Many are upset that the movie did not scare them but it was meant to be more of a parody. I loved the discussion on movie sequels that took place in a class. Kevin Williamson wrote this screenplay and I really think this is a very well done sequel and takes the right approach. This film and part three are available on Instant Netflix but parts one and four are available on DVD. Part one needs to be watched first but is another double feature you can watch.

The Golden Equator (1956): This is my short film which talks about Ecuador and the progress the country is making. It talks about the railways, roadways, and the foreign investment that is going on in the country. This was an informative short but maybe better in color.

Ninotchka (1939): Last week, I did the 1939 film OF MICE AND MEN, now I bring a comedy from the era. Greta Garbo stars as a stern Russian woman of the title name who is sent to Paris on business. She soon meets Count Leon, played by Melvyn Douglas, who takes a liking and interest to Ninotchka making her fall for a man who stands for what she believes she detests and slowly becomes more outgoing. Garbo was a very popular silent film actress and in 1930, made her talkie debut in ANNA CHRISTIE where people were concerned for her Swedish accent and was always billed as "Garbo Speaks" where everything worked out for her becoming quite the star. This movie was billed as "Garbo Laughs" taking her first shot in the comedy world and this movie does deliver a lot of laughs. Look for Bela Lugosi in a cameo appearance. This is a very good romantic comedy that ranks high in the genre and has good supporting characters within it.

Audrey Rose (1977): Marsha Mason and John Beck star as married couple Janice and Bill and have a daughter and a good life. Things get strange when a stranger named Elliot, played by Anthony Hopkins, is displaying stalker-like behavior towards the couple. He soon reveals his claim that their daughter Ivy is the reincarnation of his own daughter who died years ago. Ivy soon starts having strange dreams indicating that Elliot could be right. This was a pretty good chiller which also does not have a lot of violence and a good performance from a young Anthony Hopkins. Susan Swift makes her film debut as Ivy and also does a great job. This reincarnation thriller is available on Instant Netflix.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2001): This is the second in the series of the wizard based on the novels by J.K. Rowling. Daniel Radcliffe reprises his role as the wizard and in this one, he is being told not to go back to Hogwarts but decides to anyways with his abusive and neglectful family. When arriving, he is hearing a mysterious voice, students are being attacked where Harry, Ron, and Hermione investigate these happenings. Richard Harris, Maggie Smith, and Alan Rickman all reprise their parts. Kenneth Branaugh plays a celebrity wizard who becomes a professor there. This is a good sequel which I'm doing a lot this week. These do get adapted very well from the novels. I know some see this as Satanism but most just see this as simple fantasy and nothing to get so worked up over.

Gojira (1954): This is the Japanese film that started the Godzilla craze and possibly the best of these films. In this movie, we find that Godzilla was created out of nuclear testing which was inspired by American nuclear testing that was being done there.. In future films, Godzilla was usually created other ways but this was quite the statement on this one. Nothing seems to be able to stop Godzilla and he goes on wreaking havoc through the city. This is the only one that I know of that actually has Japanese dialogue that is not dubbed. Godzilla would go onto take on many other monsters like King Kong, Mothra, King Ghidorah, Rodan, and even a mecha-version of himself. Sometimes he was billed as good, sometimes as the villain and other times, the lesser of two evils but this movie introduced us to that Japanese icon.

The Omen (1976): This is my satanic film for the week and one that may make others reconsider adoption. Gregory Peck and Lee Remick are a married couple named Robert and Catherine who want children so they take a boy named Damien with the suggestion of a priest. Strange things begin to happen leading them to believe that Damien is an antichrist. Harvey Stephens plays the part of Damien and does good. This movie is legitimately creepy so if you like horror, this is a really good one to watch. I'm not always one of the biggest horror fans but this ranks up as one of my favorites in the genre that still holds up today. They have some really good death scenes and the movie sends a lot of chills. This movie is available through Instant Netflix.

Planet Hulk (2010): I end this week with this animated Marvel movie. This one is based on the Incredible Hulk who is exiled off of Earth by the other superheroes due to his anger issues. The Hulk soon lands on a planet with an evil ruler where he is sold into slavery and forced into gladiator like games. He soon reluctantly helps his other fighters to become free of the tyrannical rule. The Hulk is possibly one of the hardest characters to make a movie around and usually works better as a supporting character like in THE AVENGERS. This movie I felt addressed some of the reasoning why it is so hard and it became watchable to me. I did wonder why the Hulk stayed in that form the whole time and never became Bruce Banner but
I'll look past that. This is not the best animated superhero film but I thought it was worth a watch. This is available on Instant Netflix.

Well, that is it for this week. Tell me what you like and what you dislike. Stay tuned for next week which so far includes Emma Stone, Kiefer Sutherland, Mickey Rourke, Ricky Gervais and many others. Keep reading though for week 2 of the Madness


I don't have as much this week but got some good selections. As always, I use the four 6 system for ratings.

Audrey Rose (1977, 113 minutes, 666): A little reincarnation horror here. (2 points)

Dark Shadows: Episode 210 (1966, 23 minutes, 66 1/2): The problem with this popular vampire soap opera is that they only start the series at episode 210 so I didn't really get to know these characters right away. My mom is a big fan of the series, I should probably watch with her so she can fill me in on who these people are so that I can maybe enjoy it a bit. (1.5 points)
-Bonus point: Vampire

Glen or Glenda (1953, 68 minutes, 66): Ed Wood and Bela Lugosi qualify this and Elizabeth made the announcement that if it gets watched on Wood's birthday so I did that for the full points. This is Wood's feature film debut about a transvestite, which is played by actor Daniel Davis but might be some other person involved in the film, and trying to break the news to his fiancee that he likes to wear women's clothes. This movie in some ways was a bit groundbreaking as the topics were very taboo in those days. The strange things came with Lugosi's non-nonsensical dialogue scenes as the scientist and I am not quite sure what the point of him was. He mentioned an awful lot about a green dragon that eats things like little boys and puppy dog tails (6 points)

Gojira (1954, 96 minutes, 666 1/2): The Godzilla movie to start it all, no reasoning needed here to justify its qualification. (4 points)
-Bonus point: 1954
-Bonus point: Destroying Tokyo

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002, 161 minutes, 666): This is the second entry into this fantasy series which has enough wizardry and witchcraft in order to qualify here. (3 points)

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002, 170 minutes, 666): This is the second of the Tolkien trilogy where Frodo continues his journey to destroy the ring. Christopher Lee automatically justifies this one. (3.5 points)

Ninotchka (1939, 110 minutes, 666): A Bela Lugosi loophole, you probably won't find a lot of those. (3 points)
-Bonus point: 1939

The Omen (1976, 111 minutes, 666 1/2): Nothing needed to justify this great antichrist film. (2 points)

Planet Hulk (2010, 81 minutes, 66 1/2): This is a comic book movie and has sci-fi and fantasy elements that should qualify this one. (2 points)

Scream 2 (1997, 120 minutes, 666): This Wes Craven undoubtedly gets me basic points. (2 points)

The Toxic Avenger Part III: The Last Temptation of Toxie (1989, 102 minutes, 66): This Troma film is billed as Horror so we can count this one. (2 points)

The Vampire Diaries: Season 1, Episode 1 (2009, 45 minutes, 66 1/2): I decided to give this vampire series a shot. I am a bit on the fence as of now but it did kind of hook my interest near the end so I won't give up on it yet. It's not BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER, ANGEL, or TRUE BLOOD but it might have its image. (2 points)
-Bonus point: Vampire

The Vampire Diaries: Season 1, Episode 2 (2009, 45 minutes, 66 1/2): I am prepared to stick to this. I can see good things happening between those Salvatore brothers. (2 points)
-Bonus point: Vampire

The Vampire Diaries: Season 1, Episode 3 (2009, 45 minutes, 666): I'm really getting more into this show and may stick to it. (2 points)
-Bonus point: Vampire

Total: 34 points

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